When experience matters

In 1991, Chip entered the world of sole proprietorship and began providing architectural design and consulting services to individuals and contractors. Having developed a strong interest in building science, sustainable building practices and construction methods, he has incorporated these principles into improving the energy efficiency of several homes, including his own. Using his first-hand experiences along with the statistical evidence he has gathered, Chip has taught classes on residential building science, reducing your carbon footprint and increasing your home’s energy efficiency. Now he strives to incorporate these building science principles into the homes and renovations he designs.


After graduating from Presbyterian College with a BS degree in Business Administration (1982) and having a 4-year career in banking, Chip returned to school and obtained two AS degrees, one in Architecture and the other in Construction.  He worked for 3-years as a project manager with a construction company.

He has continued his education, completing EarthCraft training in the fall of 2007.   In the fall of 2008, he completed the more stringent LEED for Homes training program.  In July, 2009, he completed and passed all testing in the comprehensive 40-hour Home Energy Rating System (HERS) training course at the Southface Institute in Atlanta Ga., which qualifies individuals to become certified Home Energy Raters.

To see building science principles in action, click here to view energy usage and cost savings in Chip’s previous 1962 home.

Though he doesn’t use it, Chip also has his SC Residential Home Builders License. He will not design a house he hasn’t figured out how to build.

When Chip isn’t working, you can probably find him lost in a daydream, and/or pursuing other passions like music, woodworking, or cycling 5,000 plus miles a year.

Please contact Chip if you have any questions or would like more information.  He would welcome the opportunity to discuss his architecture design services with you.